Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The beginning

In the beginning there was an artist.   There has been an artist ever since.  But that life is now conjoined with another.   In the beginning the artist was lost in a world of thought and emotion.  Thought and emotion that dominated and left a lost and perplexed being.
The thoughts and emotions brought with them depression and misery, happiness and joy.   But the happiness and joy were weaker and the depression and misery were stronger.   The human condition was ripe and fertile in the artist, feeding the mind with stories and beliefs that twisted and writhed among the lush growth of the brain cells like giant worms through a hungry soil.
This is the story of that artist.  This is the story of her foe and her release.

So much to think of
And so much to do.
Our minds in a turmoil,
A bubbling brew.
Thoughts that keep rising
To a surface unsmooth,
Trapped in past and future,
Unable to move.
The same thoughts keep coming,
They will not let go,
They fill up our minds,
An invisible foe.
How can we shed them,
These thoughts that aren't true?
They're all an illusion,
If we only knew.
If we only knew
That these thoughts that we feel,
In our minds and emotions
Are a foe, and not real.
If we only realised,
If we only knew
That these thoughts and emotions
Are false and untrue.